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Opis firme

CS Networks's market-leading communications and it solutions enable copanies to increase productivity, process data anytime, anyplace and with any device in a virtual networking enviroinment fast, safe and secured. The solution to the communications barriers are the bandwidth-rich IP networks that now enable reliable point to point communications, reducing the cost of data processing and transportation. Increasingly, CIOs and other operating executives are tapping into the powerful CS Networks platform to help improve top- and bottom-line performance. With the globalization of the enterprise, astronomic increase in micro financial and mobile payment usage, the need for CS Networks technology and its open source based orientation has never been clearer.CS Networks Premium SMS Gateway provides secure, reliable and high throughput capacity for sending and receiving SMS to wireless service providers, mobile operators, MVNOs, enterprises and bulk sms aggregators.

Lokacija na mapi

Napomena: Lociranje na mapi se vrši na osnovu unete adrese (ulica) ili na osnovu koordinata unešenih od strane onog koji je upisao firmu.


CS Networks

  • Kategorija: IT Kompanije
  • Opština: Beograd
  • Adresa: Studentski Trg 17
  • Telefon 1: 3816644038163
  • Telefon 2:
  • Fax:
  • Web sajt:
  • Matični broj: 61139923
  • PIB: 103713967
  • Pišite firmi

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